Congestione marittima nella regione del Golfo Persico

Congestione marittima nella regione del Golfo Persico


Recently, due to the unusually bad weather in the Persian Gulf region, it has had a serious impact on sea and air transport stakeholders.

Media reports that freight forwarders and other Shipping Industry sources in Dubai have reported that major cargo delays and backlogs have occurred, and they believe it may take up to a week to clear and return to normal.

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In addition, many ports in the region, including Jebel Ali, have experienced berthing delays due to extreme weather conditions.

The air transport industry is said to be the most disrupted by heavy rains and storms, which are the worst weather in the UAE in 75 years.

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Emirates Airlines earlier lifted passenger boarding restrictions for various points from Dubai.

However, there are also reports that most airlines have yet to resume cargo handling and believe that the backlog will push freight rates to new highs.

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